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Anne Laffin

Veterinary Talk - An Interview with Dr. Julia C. Coughlin DVM

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Coughlin from Bettervet to chat about QSM Diagnostics and how our FetchDx mail-in home test kits fit into her mobile practice.

Q: How do you incorporate FetchDx kits into your practice?

I love using the kits to save myself time! Sometimes we are not able to collect urine during a house call appointment. There are many factors and variables that go into being able to successfully get urine during our appointment. Now I can leave a kit with a client so I don't have to reschedule another appointment for collection or add it to my daily route for pick up. This frees up time in my schedule to see other patients and still get the results I need.

Q: What is the greatest benefit to your practice of mail-in testing?

The time savings of not having to drive back to the home is really valuable. It also really helps provide care to patients that need it when I have a fully booked schedule. The kits are quickly shipped to clients that need an urinalysis performed. If a client calls and has health concerns about their pet, then I can at least start diagnostics by shipping a kit directly to them when appropriate.

Q: What feedback have you received from clients?

Clients (especially cat parents) are nervous at first when they hear the idea of collecting the sample themselves. But then they relax when they see how simple it is and how every step in the process has been thought out for them.

Q: What problem does this solve for you?

The QSM urine kits save me the problem of not being able to be two places at once. It is a huge asset to making me efficient. I always make sure I have them stocked and ready to hand out. Julia C. Coughlin DVM Mobile Veterinarian

Julia C. Coughlin DVM

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